Managed Security Services: Who’s Watching Your Network Part 2
While you’re enjoying summer break, who’s watching your network? Just because you’re on vacation, doesn’t mean you’re free from security breaches, system errors, and more. Read our six-part series to learn how you can ensure your data is safe while you and your employees take time off from your business.
The number of cyber threats and attacks is growing, and as a result, it is crucial that businesses prioritize IT security. It’s time to stop living in denial about an attack and start taking proactive measures with managed security services. As a busy owner or IT employee, it can be difficult to feel you have control over all aspects of your network. Instead of stressing about a possible security breach, bring in the professionals for non-stop monitoring and management of your security systems.
Managed security services offer remote monitoring that allow a business to operate at full capacity with minimal intrusion. Functions of a managed security service include 24/7 monitoring and management of threat detection systems and firewalls, overseeing patch management and upgrades, performing security assessments and security audits, and responding to emergencies. The IT experts always update the business with the status of security issues, audits, and maintenance, so the organization can focus on security governance, not administrative tasks.
It’s very difficult for a small or medium-sized business to keep an eye on their networks all the time. Managed security services offer continuous monitoring, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. This sort of monitoring is just not feasible in house and doesn’t provide opportunities for employees to ever take that much-needed time off.
Instead, business owners can rest easy knowing they have a team updating their security system, adding the latest firewalls and patches, and keeping the system running smoothly. When it comes to security, it always pays to be proactive, and constant monitoring is the best way to ensure protection.
Managed security services help your business stay prepared for potential cyberattacks. Hackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and it’s less a matter of if an attack will occur, but when. Unfortunately, even small businesses are falling victim to attacks, as hackers know a weak security system is easy to infiltrate. If an incident is detected too late, recovering can take a big toll on your business, putting your data, customer privacy, and sales at risk.
A security contract helps your network keep up with evolving threats and address issues as they arise. Working with a professional IT company ensures your network is as protected as possible from the attacks. Their team helps eliminate blind spots with firewalls, anti-virus software, and other management tools, and should something occur, they’ll do everything possible to stop it, or keep it from spreading further. Their team can determine which threats are the most dangerous and critical to your network. They provide real-time notifications, enabling everyone to take fast action.
Keeping your business up-to-date on the latest security threats and measures can feel impossible. A professional team of experts are highly educated on monitoring the threat landscape, providing a distinct advantage. With early threat detection and protection, you can minimize security risks and prevent your business from going offline. Their educated team will always alert customers when something needs to be addressed.
During the busy summer season, it’s important that you and your team have the opportunity to take time off for relaxation and recharging. With the threat of a security breach hanging over your head, you’ll never really be able to unplug. Managed security services put your network in good hands, so you can finally take time off. Trusting a professional team of experts keeps your data and your business protected around the clock.